There is a LOT to say about this week's entry, but due to time constraints my comments will be brief.

He wasn’t sure whether Snow knew about his other abilities or not, and he had no intention of asking. If Snow didn’t know about Clark’s freeze breath, his telescopic, heat, and X-ray vision, or his enhanced senses, Clark wasn’t going to tell him. Panem’s president knew too much already, and that knowledge had put too many people at risk.
Dear Clark is learning fast! Forever departed is the gentle boy from the country.

The Capitolites eventually lost interest in some victors, especially those who made no effort to maintain their celebrity status. Most of them were still left alone by Snow, who used popular victors to gain favor with other powerful Capitolites. Some attractive victors were forced into prostitution, while those who possessed special skills had their talents sold for Snow’s benefit. Once a victor no longer interested the public, they could no longer be used to gain favor, and became valueless to Panem’s president. These victors were largely ignored, but on occasion, they became pawns in Snow’s schemes to control other victors.
Like I said, President Snow makes Lex look like a pussycat.

“No, you didn’t.” When Clark looked at him, Haver went on, “You weren’t drunk, either. You only had one and a half glasses of champagne and no other alcoholic drinks — yes, I was watching. Matilda got so drunk at her Victory Banquet that I thought it was a good idea to keep an eye on you. Also, you didn’t act like you were impaired at all, and when you came back from talking to Snow, you looked anxious, not intoxicated. Now, what really happened?”
From the moment Haver was introduced, he seemed like a man who was playing a dangerous - and deeper game. He understands Clark's behavior and feelings better than anyone in the Capitol, he will either be a good ally or an implacable enemy.

Marcius sighed, unable to understand why Clark was so eager to leave the Capitol and return to his impoverished home district. “Yes, then you’ll be going home.”
Marcius on the other hand is...

Silently, the three of them went to greet the crowd gathered around the station, waiting to welcome back their victor.
And now the real games begin ...


A writer's job is to think of new plots and create characters who stay with you long after the final page has been read. If that mission is accomplished than we have done what we set out to do, which is to entertain and hopefully educate.