That wraps up Smythe and Luckabee!

In frustration at this forced inactivity Lois paced the bullpen of the Daily Planet. She had on a smartly styled work outfit which had a short skirt, a low cut silk shell and a sleeveless jacket or vest which was long with the tails reaching below her knees. The vest swirled and flared with each turn she made revealing her slender legs.
It interesting, the outfit you described Lois wearing is very similar to one worn by a friend of mine. She will be giving birth to her first child in March, needless to say, she and her hubby are very excited. Anyhow, the outfit is cute and perfect for hiding an early pregnancy.

Lois is acting rather calmly considering that her husband and friend have gone missing for a number of hours.

Smythe really is a sad fellow, he thinks Lois is going to throw herself at him? Yup, he's going around the bend ... twice?

She snapped the chain between the handcuffs freeing her hands. Then she moved around the room removing all of the guns from the hands of all of the thugs and crushing them into shapeless masses of metal. She realized that each of the thugs was going to suffer injury as a result, but it couldn’t be helped. They each had a strong grasp on the weapon so that the grip safety was depressed so that the weapon could be fired and when she ripped the gun out of that clasp the bones of the hands and in some cases the bones of the forearm were snapped.
Finally! Lois to the rescue! dance

As usual Lois quickly packed a backpack with towels and suits and picking Clark up they took off from the back yard. She headed west and after leaving the US behind headed for the south Pacific. Since their beach had been compromised she headed to the area near Pitcairn Island. She used her supervision to find a small island that didn’t appear to have any inhabitants. Landing on the beach she spread out the towels stripped Clark and laid his naked body on one in the sun. Spinning out of her clothes she lay down on the other to drink up the sun’s rays.
I love these island getaways! Listen to the tropical breezes blow along...


A writer's job is to think of new plots and create characters who stay with you long after the final page has been read. If that mission is accomplished than we have done what we set out to do, which is to entertain and hopefully educate.