First off, to start... Bill's reaction was hysterical! rotflol I can see his face deadpanning through the entire story, but on the inside thinking: I should have kept my trap shut!

Another thing: Bill's 'voice' is pitch perfect, he sounds like a concerned, experienced flatfoot who is working hard to help his friends. Although why he would consider using a pregnant Lois as bait is beyond me.

In the underground office that was now their home, Smythe and Luckabee were both in the lounge area. As was his wont Luckabee was behind the bar. Now he wasn’t drinking out of boredom. Now there was purpose in it. He was making sure he had the poison antidote in his system in adequate quantities.
Doesn't Luckabee do anything besides drink? Even though I know why he's drinking so much, its going to get in the way of planning any exit moves.

The best part is that the radioisotope she is using is that green rock. It could add an extra little punch.
This is not good for Lois, really bad for Clark!


A writer's job is to think of new plots and create characters who stay with you long after the final page has been read. If that mission is accomplished than we have done what we set out to do, which is to entertain and hopefully educate.