Rather belatedly, let me thank you all for the wonderful comments! You've quite made my last few days and made me feel very warm inside. laugh

Yes, Wendy, I think it is a fair bet that Clark realised that Winnie had worked out who he was. He's probably going nuts trying to work out what gave him away though!

Skullee: you raise an interesting question, one that a couple of people also asked me on IRC. The best answer I can come up with is that maybe Clark did try to see Winnie, but noticed that she was asleep. He and Lois then decided not to disturb her, and just settled for enjoying the moon.

Other explanations: Winnie knows about Lois (and Lois probably knows about Winnie) but they belong in different worlds. Maybe it didn't really occur to Clark to introduce them. I'm not sure that I like that as an answer, but...

The real answer, of course, is that I, as a writer, decided that I liked the way the story worked more when Lois and Winnie didn't meet. I did think about introducing them, but decided that it would detract from the climax.

Maybe it should have happened differently, but I'm happy with the decision I made. Hopefully, so are Clark, Winnie and Lois wink

Thank you all again.
