Lois is pregnant! But now we see the benefits of having the resources of two Universes to call on!

In the kitchen Clark placed a call to the Planet. Finally he got the one he was after. He heard, “Daily Planet, James Olsen.” Clark was taken aback for a second trying to sort the universes out. Finally he asked, “James Olsen? What happened to Jimmy?”
Ok, so even if a person has super-wits sometimes they get a little lost! LOL!

Jimmy had been starting to get worried. Lois was out of the office and word was that she would be out for a while. He had to ask, “CK, is everything okay, I mean, with Lois? This search isn’t because she’s … sick, is it?”
So in this universe, she is on leave. Which makes perfect sense that James ...er Jimmy would be worried about her. Is this S1 Jimmy or S2? As everyone is aware, I'm fond of Michael, not Justin. wink

“No need to ask. She is helping you full time anyhow. She was just doing Ken a favor and dropping off this data.” He accepted the printouts from Lucy and said, “Thanks,”
Ken who? (Snicker!)

Clark left the bullpen and returned to the roof. After spinning into the Suit he headed for Smallville. They really hadn’t decided to do it this way; it had just happened over time that they always used the farm house when they moved between the universes.
Smart. Using only one place for access and egress cuts down on disorientation.

Clark used his x-ray vision to examine her head. He combined it with his microscopic vision and performed a minute examination of her brain. He found the tumor and could see why the doctor had declared it to be inoperable. Because of its location it would have to be approached from an odd angle.
Just where is it located? In the Pons section? The pons is a portion of the hindbrain that connects the cerebral cortex with the medulla oblongata. From my layman's viewpoint it is a very
awkward location for surgery.

Doctor Nelson replied, “I personally consider this time well spent. This has been a very interesting exercise. As a result you have given me some ideas for a radical new approach to dealing with this type of tumor. I need to work with some radiologists and see if we can’t come up with a new device to do just what you have proposed. Two beams of lower level radiation which when applied from opposite directions can kill a tumor without injuring the patient because they only have the combined power to kill the tissue at the point of intersection. Well, Bill, it looks like we have some research ahead of us. We need to approach the NIH to see about a research grant.”
I like these two! Let's hope they come up with a procedure that will aid this precious little lady!


A writer's job is to think of new plots and create characters who stay with you long after the final page has been read. If that mission is accomplished than we have done what we set out to do, which is to entertain and hopefully educate.