Clark flew Lois to the farm and put her on a lounge chair in the sun. He grabbed the phone and called Mr. Olsen at the Planet.
Thanks goodness Clark kept the house in Smallville. Its the perfect place for them to go for any type of recovery. Although if any enterprising person ever decided to look at the reverse billing they would see the call was coming from Kansas and not for around the block. Oh yeah, right .... Clark's secret is already blown in this universe. wink

The relief in his voice was very apparent as he said, “That’s tremendous news!” Then like any true editor he asked, “How soon can I expect to see your copy?”
Some things never change! LOL!!!

Just then a canoe rounded the point and approached their section of beach. Seeing this Lois stood up and started packing their things. Before they came close enough to get a good look Lois grabbed the bag, Clark spun into his Suit and picking up Lois they soared into the air.
Can't these two have a *little* privacy? mad Lois, Clark, might I suggest a private island one just for both of you to enjoy?

Seeing and hearing this exchange spoke volumes to both Lois and Clark. Mayson had forgiven Clark and Lois for what had happened. The supposition was that the blossoming relationship with Scardino was the answer.
Hmmm Mayson and Daniel are *nicely* out of the way! Honestly though, I cannot hear their voices. It is hard for me to imagine elegant, well-dressed Mayson attracted to Hawaiian shirt wearing Scardino. Their personalities are so very different. Scardino is such a loose cannon! As the story progresses will we be seeing more of them?

Jack sat, sullenly on the far side of the seat against the door. He considered opening the door and bolting when the cab came to a stop at a light. There were a couple of things that kept him from doing just that. He thought to himself, <How could I outrun Superman? If he came after me I don’t see how I could get away. This lady, I think he called her Lois, she’s sure pretty and she seems really nice, but what’s going to happen to Denny? He’s expecting me back before long. I hope he doesn’t start to worry and break cover. If he gets picked up they could separate us. I guess the best plan is to cooperate and get this over as quickly as possible so that I can get back to him. He’s just a kid and he might do something stupid.>

<I am going to need to shoplift some food or check some dumpsters on the way back. Wow, how far are we going? On foot it’s going to take me a long time to get back to Denny.>

<Why would Superman be offering a kid like me a job anyhow? What can he get out of it? What does he have up that blue sleeve of his? He doesn’t know me. How does he know he can trust me? If this is legit it could be okay. I have heard that he does a lot for kids. Maybe this could work out after all. I’ll have to wait and see what he says.”>
Jack was a very sullen young man when Clark originally found him. This version is also quiet and reserved but lacks - for lack of a better word - edge.

There are similarities between the two young men and it will be interesting to see just how you make Jack different, yet familiar.


A writer's job is to think of new plots and create characters who stay with you long after the final page has been read. If that mission is accomplished than we have done what we set out to do, which is to entertain and hopefully educate.