Originally posted by Laurach:
Good one! Adorable!
Thank you smile

Originally posted by John Lambert:
smile1 loved this story.

One think though this
"Well. I wanted … you see … um, I always has this … uh … fantasy, you see."
It should be "I always had this", even if she is measuring her words, and unsure, Lois would have the tense right. I had to reread the end of that paragraph "she rushed out as quickly as possible" to realize you mean she was talking fast and not that she left the room.

I am glad Clark let Lois handle this.

Now the big question is, what did come next after Lois and Clark kissed? My first reaction was they did even more intimate things. However, for Lois's story to need him to have not seen more, the bigger threat is if he floated her.
Ooo, thanks for that catch.

As for what came after ...there's a good chance that it covered both 'intimate' and 'superpowered'.

Originally posted by John Lambert:
Although it does bring up the question, how does Lois get kissed multiple times by both Clark and SM and not realize they are one and the same? If Jimmy can tell it from seeing the kiss, why didn't Lois from feeling it.

The one counter argument is maybe the kisses were enough different from SM and CK that they did not seem the same to Lois.
Their kisses were actually fairly well spaced out and rare to start with. Once she'd been kissing Clark on a regular basis I'm guessing a kiss from Superman would have given the game away. As for this kiss ... I went with a visual movement that could be recognised.

Originally posted by John Lambert:
Or maybe Clark should just speed change out of the suit before kissing Lois.

Hmm, which leads me to the conclusion that Lois may be telling more truth than lie. Clark was probably in the SM suit because it is fulfilling some Lois fantasy to kiss him in that.

Lois:I like how tight it is. It allows me to get closer to him, and see more that I am having an effect on him.
Well, yes. As well as this story getting them out of telling Jimmy the truth ... it's quite possible that it fulfilled some fantasy for Lois. laugh

Originally posted by IolantheAlias:
I can't believe that Jimmy wouldn't figure out that CK=SM when he notices how well Clark fills out the Suit. Also, if Lois told Jimmy that Clark-in-the-Suit was kissing her, doesn't Jimmy wonder why he thought Superman was kissing Lois?

But then again, Jimmy isn't the sharpest crayon in the box.


He did figure out that CK=SM and has decided to keep quiet about it.
Hey, for a small moment, he did start to think down the right path ... but Lois steered him away.

Lois: "You put up with me for the same reason I put up with you. It's because I'm completely in love with you."
Clark: "And I love you ... Did we just make up?"
Lois: "I think so."