Perfect Part 4 at last!

My heart still goes out to Becky, there is no way she will survive these games unless Clark helps her in some form or fashion.

They had already scrubbed him thoroughly, removing every bit of dirt he might have acquired in his life. Clark had always thought that he was reasonably clean, but by Capitol standards, he had been filthy. The prep team had also attempted to manicure his nails, making him glad that he had used his heat vision to trim them the day of the Reaping—since they were already short and neat, they had settled for scraping the dirt from under them and then left them alone.
Whew! Its a good thing Clark kept his nails neat and trimmed otherwise that might have been his undoing. Good thing his stylist likes perfection!

Becky’s stylist, Belarius, and Rosaline had worked together to dress their tributes in what they thought of as farm-style costumes—tight jeans and a checked shirt for Clark, and a matching checked pinafore dress and white blouse for Becky. The clothes looked normal enough, though they were brighter and less practical than anything that would have been worn on a District 9 farm.
The best clothes either of them ever wore no doubt!

Uh, where is Lois? Bet she was the one arguing loudly! That's my girl!

Clark raised a hand to cover his nose, wondering if anyone else could smell the strange odor coming from Snow—an unpleasant mixture of abnormally sweet roses and blood. He didn’t know where the smell of blood came from, and he didn’t dare look too closely at him in front of the crowd. Nonetheless, the smell was overwhelming, so he was glad when the chariots moved along, finally depositing the tributes at the Training Center, their home until the Games began.
Decay. President Snow is dying. Good use of Clark olfactory senses! Something most of us forget about.

This story is very chilling, especially since I'm reading Tale of Two Cities...

Next installment?


A writer's job is to think of new plots and create characters who stay with you long after the final page has been read. If that mission is accomplished than we have done what we set out to do, which is to entertain and hopefully educate.