
The torture chamber was very scary. No way is this guy not going to have impressions of what happened to him! Also, the beach is the wrong place to say he spent his time. His skin would be slightly tanned, feet would have traces of sand between his toes, etc. The guy needs to have spent time in the woods or someplace where the physical evidence is not so ....evident.

Draper's lawyer is going to have quite the job ahead of him. He's defending a guy who killed other criminals. Getting a life sentence will not be particularly easy.

Touching the paper again he continued, “Now, these two. They are getting too close.” A pen appeared in his hand. He drew a circle around Hattie’s picture. Then he drew a vertical line through it followed by a horizontal line. When he was finished it looked like she was being looked at through a rifle scope. “They need to be dealt with before they interfere in any more of my plans.”
OK, its official, I a little scared. WHO is this guy? confused

Hattie and JJ are headed for lots more adventures! WaaHoo!!!! dance


A writer's job is to think of new plots and create characters who stay with you long after the final page has been read. If that mission is accomplished than we have done what we set out to do, which is to entertain and hopefully educate.