John: Thanks for sticking with me and the super-long FDK. [img][/img] Okay. That wasn't supposed to be THAT big. blush

I think you wanted to say ides there.
I did, and I thought I caught all of those. Sometimes my fingers have a mind of their own when I type (that's my excuse and I'm sticking with it). Thanks. Fixed.

How can the radio stations broadcast if they have no power?
Same way Luthor has lights on: generators.

How is Lois surviving without a microwave?
clap Well, after finishing up all the half-melted ice cream in her freezer, she was pretty much full.

it might make y…
JOHN: Did he almost say "your boyfriend?
No, "you".

What does Clark's view on the situation have to do with it? It seems an odd way to describe the situation.
Maybe she'd take Jimbo up on his idea out of sympathy of what a nervous wreck her partner would be thinking of her all alone? No? Okay, it was a quick last minute substitution without any thought attached to it, when he realized Lois would never admit to being afraid... and would be more likely take him up on the offer, if she were using Clark as an excuse.

This sounds like a good plan.
She thought so.

Why do I think he won't be able to do this with all the demands on Supreman right now?
Because I'm writing this story? evil

Would Luthor's spying devices be connected with the power grid? It seems like they would be battery powered, and still work somewhat.
But to receive the signal they sent one would need power. Okay, it's mostly a delusion on her part. Perhaps one needed there to be power for Lois to have her lights on to see what she was up to? wink

At least she knows where he was.
One of the perks of knowing CK=SM.

It would have been so much more fun if she had done this.
I considered it, but I figured my characters didn't want to read another part of Lois sleeping on Clark's couch while he spent all night being Superman.

They do need to have it. I am giving up hope of it ever happening.
With each part the conversation grows closer.

She should have stayed, if only for that.
Yeah, but he has to show up for her to get that.

She has shown patience in not telling Clark what she knows.
A different kind of patience.

jawdrop she is actually trying to abide by the law.
[Linked Image] Too much? Temporary insanity?

He would probably go along with a claim that she lives there and had just misplaced her key. As long as she would make it so. Well, at least if she could convince him the curse does not apply.
But that's only if he's around to defend her and not press charges. If a neighbor caught her...

Thus, he probably has his tracker of her watch working. Although that would not tell him if Clark is with her. I am surprised he did not install bugs in the watch so he could listen to her.
Which is why she keeps taking it off (like that time in the supply room), or covering it up, whenever she has "private" conversations with Clark. She's not absolutely sure it doesn't have listening bugs on it, even though STAR Labs didn't mention seeing one.

sad that she does not know that Clark is a farm boy from Kansas. He even told her Kansas is the same in any dimension.
She thought he was joking.

I think that should be "like after Claude".
That's a different way of saying the same thing. Anyway, I like the repeated "not after..." phrasing.

She could have so much fun with teasing him about that. Hmm, maybe she should tease him about it until he admits the truth.
She's already ready to tell him she knows, but the fates have been having too much fun keeping them apart.

It was time to come clean with Clark.
JOHN: she wants to tell Clark. Although considering how many parts ago Clark decided to tell Lois, yet he still has not, I should not get my hopes too high.
See! She's trying to find a way to get them alone together with enough time to talk it through without compromising her Lex investigation.

She had wanted to wait until he confessed the truth to her about Superman, actually she still did.
JOHN: So is she going to wait, or is she going to do the right thing and bite the bullet? I hope they do not both keep waiting for the other to show forth more trust.
She's at the point of realizing, she might have to give up this point.

This is a game of chicken neither can win.
So true.

Won't that at least put to ease his fears she wants a relationship with Lex?
He doesn't believe she does but then she does things that make him doubt her, and he gets confused. He wants to believe the best, but he's been burned so often in life, it's hard for him to believe 100% that she would choose him over (a non-evil version of) Lex Luthor.

Ironic, since he has not told her he is investigating Luthor. Not that he has really made much progress on that investigation, but still.
Isn't it ironic? laugh <<Also, she's made such headway in HER investigation>>

any investigation in fact, so not telling him had been like a woodpecker perforating her soul.
JOHN: Actually, I think it will be mainly positive in its effects.
Admitting that she knows and is investigating Luthor? Or the woodpecker analogy?

Still, withholding information is withholding information.
LOIS: Have you noticed, my partner is very good at that?

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.