Ultra Lucille
It doesn't rain but it pours! This Lois and Clark certainly are living on an unlucky planet.
That’s why they have a Superman! smile
I like that Clark is using Bernie as his mission coordinator without really telling anyone else what he's planning to do. Seems very realistic after everything he went through after the *last* Nightfall mission.
Yeah. The last mission served as a good object lesson in limited trust.

Poor Clark. He seems to have a lot of guilt piled up from Nightfall.
Based on his personality – which has pretty much survived in spite of his memory loss – he tends to feel guilty for everything anyway.
…he seems to blame himself for all the damage that occurred on Earth because of lack of powers, or was it because he was the one who destroyed the asteroid in the first place, raining the smaller meteors to Earth?
This is Clark. BOTH! smile
Will he admit what he told Dr. Klein to everyone else? Or will they believe that he was hurled into space (towards the sun) with the swarm and came back when the rocks did? I can't imagine he would be able to keep secret Superman being on Earth hidden from the general populace because someone is going to learn about this new mission(s) to battle the swarm.
Ummm… Read and see.

Having Bernie as mission coordinator is the better choice. I never trusted the General or that mysterious 'advisor to the president' both very sneaky gents.
Well, the first time it wasn’t any of these people. It was Lex. Of course, as several people keep pointing out to me, SkyFall ended with our favorite villain unaccounted for. wink

Extremely interesting and compelling.
Thank you. You wouldn’t believe how long I fought with my muse about a suitable reason for Clark to bring Superman back.
Clark feels responsible and driven to somehow redeem himself by preventing any more damage from Nightfall.
Yes, as I said to Virginia above, Super-Guilt is one of Clark’s greatest powers.
I wonder how long it will take him to decide to carry a second pack with him to change out while still in space.
Well, that certainly did come in handy the first time.

Thanks for the comments.