[Linked Image] It looks like Lois is back to devious ways again. Is she channeling Mxy with all her pranks?

Suddenly a look of recognition flashed across his features and he started moving things back to where they were previously on his desk, almost exactly.
What reaction was she expecting? That he'd think that he was getting taller and going crazy?

Then she decided to test out the super glue again, on his desk drawers, thinking perhaps the glue itself was the problem. He got those drawers open just fine, too, only looking curiously at the dried glue on the edges.
Did he really not notice the super glue, or was he using his heat vision to unstick it?

The man was one step ahead of her every move. It's like he could sense her plotting against him and was reading her mind or something.
Perhaps the ultimate practical joke, Lois, would be to "forget" April Fools Day altogether, and have him cautiously wonder when she was going to "get" him.

Her laughter died down as she tried to rationalize it in her head. Clark, in red briefs, with an edge of bright blue showing through on the sides. And that firm backside... She could be wrong, since it was usually covered by a cape, and it would mean a whole lot of other things with regards to Clark's lying to her, but the only explanation she could come up with was "Superman?"
Oh, dear. Is she going to think he's pranking her back?

She grinned impishly. "Can you wear the briefs separately?"
Oh, she didn't? clap Thanks for contributing.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.