Cute! Just like Lois to get the last word in. clap

Jon's starting to learn that keeping his secret is harder than he thought. I love this evolution into a hero. He has a lot of difficult days a head of him and a bunch of hard lessons to learn. He lucked out. For a minute I thought Lucy would spill the beans about Camel! laugh

“Superman and Ultra Woman! Do you think that’s how they look so human? Do they have appearance generators to make them look human? They could really look like those Thermians and use some kind of device to look human! Wow, just think of it. There’s no way to know what they really look like. They could be walking down the street … looking just like a normal human. They could look like you or me or your mom or dad and underneath they could look like,” she flung her hand toward the screen, “that! That just blows my mind! You know, when I become an investigative journalist, I’m going to investigate that. I’ll find out for sure.”

Great inclusion of Galaxy Quest! I love that movie! I should break it out for the kids tonight. laugh

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.