Virginia, a good question! To be honest, I hadn't thought about the second ring, but I would agree that if there had been one, Todd simply wouldn't have noticed it. His perceptions are rather idiosyncratic and very self-centered. (The latter term I am using purely in a descriptive, not in a pejorative, sense.) He paid attention to the one ring because he had been in charge of it for the first part of the ceremony. If there had been a second ring, it had no relevance to him.

I have succeeded in my goal of writing one story from the POV of each family member, but I am certainly open to writing more stories in this series, should my muse or my son provide me with fodder for more. I've become rather fond of both brothers.

Deadly Chakram, thank you for letting me know that the story's voice worked for you. I was hoping it wouldn't be too painful to plough through, or too reminiscent of the old readers. (Who here remembers the old Dick and Jane books?) I must admit that one of the reasons this story is so short (even by my standards) is that I was afraid that no one would want to wade through the writing for very long.

Queen of the Capes, I'm glad you liked it. smile
