Hi all,

Thanks for the feedback. Sorry that the new chapter is a few days late (it will be posted in a few minutes), but I do hope you will keep reading.

VirginiaR Thanks for your enthusiastic response. Bobby Bigmouth is a fun character to write, and I love having him tell Lois what she needs to hear even (if she doesn't truly realize it yet). As for Perry, I've always loved his fatherly relationship with his brilliant, but rebellious star reporter. He will definitely have something to say about all of this. Also, in the next part, Lois and Mayson will get to spend some quality time together as Lois works everyone into a "tizzy" (as you noted). Clark will definitely have his work cut out for him when he returns. Thanks for reading.

KenJ: Thanks for your feedback. The show always found convenient, if sometimes ridiculous, ways for Clark to be absent without really worrying anyone (with the exception of TOGOM). I wanted to make things a little more challenging for him. It also allows Lois some time to really contemplate what Clark means to her. We'll see how they handle it. Thanks for taking the time to read and respond.

John Lambert: I can't quite seem to please you with my writing choices, but I do appreciate the fact that you have taken the time to post. In this case, Lois feels very protective of the Kents. She doesn't want to worry them unnecessarily, and she truly expects to find Clark. Lois is in a position to take steps to locate her partner, but Clark's parents are too far away to do anything but worry. If they were local, she would have gone to them immediately. The fact that they didn't contact her means that they don't know their son is missing. Why make them suffer unnecessarily?

So, what would have happened if she had called them? I suspect the Kents would have tried to calm her and tell her to give it a little more time before worrying so much. Because they would never reveal Clark's secret, though, Lois would trust her instincts and forge ahead anyway.

I do hope that you will keep reading, and I appreciate you taking the time to comment.

"Women frustrate men because they're too complicated. Men frustrate women because they're not complicated enough."