Hi, FoLCs! Thanks for all the interesting comments.

John, there is some Clark/Lois interaction coming up soon, so hang in there! And yay for Clark giving Lois a little space, right?

We'll see who ends up with control of LexCorp.

Ken, this is a high-profile case for this new unit of the Metro PD. They're going to want to "cross every 'i' and dot every 't'" so no one can come in later and yell, "You goofed up the crime scene and let the real killer get away!" Lex was the richest man in the city, and his death is going to have an economic impact on everyone. Chief Thompson doesn't want to be the problem, she wants to be the solution.

You're right about your summation, except maybe Lois won't be "saddled" with running LexCorp. We'll see how that shakes out soon.

Morgana, you certainly don't lack strong opinions! That's good, though. It means you're invested in the story, and that's pleasing news to any writer. But remember, just because Lois doesn't have her powers now doesn't mean she won't get them back later. And nobody has too many real friends.

AmyPrime, that part about Lex' will might be a motivation for Lois if she knew about it - but Lex' lawyers will tell the police that no, Lois had no idea what was in the will when Lex died. As far as Asabi being in love with Lex - no. I think Asabi is to Lex as Alfred is to Bruce Wayne, a faithful and willing servant who supports his employer wholeheartedly. And nothing more!

Next chapter up very soon!

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing