Originally posted by KenJ:
That was really odd. I was able to get to it by using the link in the TOC.

None the less I have reposted it.
You posted it twice on the dark side, Ken, which I guess you've notice by now. laugh

Yes, I believe Lucy was dating James Olsen, engaged to him actually, before Lois disappeared. She's in for the shock of her life if she discovers her new boss is her former beau.

That's sad about Ellen but not wholey unexpected. Is this the first we've heard about Lois's backstory? I don't remember it coming up before that *her* mom wasn't an alcoholic and her father had died in Vietnam. It's interesting that Sam's death doesn't make Ellen go off the deep end as much as his cheating does.

I agree with John. Someone is going to figure out that Clark was dating Mayson at the same time he was also supposedly wooing or married to Lois. Trust me, that's the stuff people like Goode and Nunk live for. They better work out a better cover story than the one they've been using. They worry about people finding out about Lucy being Superman's sister-in-law, but they don't think the tabloids will compares the dates? dizzy

Even Scardino sees that Clark has done a number on Mayson. It makes sense that he feel overprotective of her. I'm a little confused on why they're doing this prostition sting again, and/or why Scardino's involved. He's not DEA in this dimension but FBI, right? Can you refresh my memory (beside getting Mayson a new beau) why they're doing this (or the part number in which the case is discussed)? Thanks.

I think you need to clarify Lois's undercover name before that first scene on the street. Because all of a sudden you're referring to Lois as "Lolo" without ever explaining why.
As Lolo was making the turn around the hood she turned to Mayson and said, “See you later Mae. I hope you get a high roller too.”
At first I thought it was a typo. I also don't see the point in refering to her undercover name in the prose, as us readers know her as Lois. Dialogue, yes; prose, no. <<also you have "turn" twice in that one sentance>>

I wonder if Lois is going to bump into her old beau Stokes dressed in that outfit. wink

What will Lucy and Sam think when they discover that Lois is super powered?

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.