Time for another chapter, which means I get to post feedback on all y'all's feedback. (That word "y'all's" is spelled correctly, by the way.)

Ken, I put that part in because I hate loose ends dangling, and "Clarkie's" former mother-in-law was tantalizing me. I didn't want another tragedy in the Lang family, and I also wanted to show Clark saving someone without using his powers. On top of that, the conversation was cathartic for him, too. Glad you liked it, and Clark's talk with his parents.

John, it's interesting that you'd point out that they haven't been mind-speaking lately. That will be explained in a later chapter, and in fact they're going to do some of that very soon.

Morgana, glad you liked this part. Yes, even though Lois didn't love Lex like he wanted her to love him, his death was a shock, along with her reaction to the murder and the time at the police station. We'll see more along those lines in the next part.

Which is coming up very soon!

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing