Originally posted by Terry Leatherwood:
Wow. Powerful. Very powerful.
Thank you! blush blush blush

[quote] Marla was apparently James' wife. Tempus was obviously the one who set up the train crash, knowing that she'd be in mortal danger. And it worked.
Yep. Unfortunately. Actually, Tempus' involvement was sort of a last minute add in. I had the story written a couple of months ago but couldn't find the right ending for it, so never posted it. When I came back to it and brushed it up, I figured that would work. I'm glad it did for you too. wink

That whole story was a total bummer.
Yeah, sorry about that. peep Some things just don't leave you be until it's out of your system. Hopefully that satisfies my need for dark and distressing for the time being. I'm moving back on to some fluff next. laugh

And the misdirection you tossed in by having Lois consider that one of the New Kryptonians had stayed on Earth was genius.
Thanks. Wanted to keep you on your toes. :p

You have accomplished something very difficult. You should be recognized for your talent and fortitude. Thank you for such a strong story.
blush blush blush Aw, shucks. You gotta stop-- I'm blushing. Seriously though, thank you. blush

Nothing spoils a good story like the arrival of an eye witness.
--Mark Twain