Okay, Polly, okay! Sheesh. You'd think a muse would be kinder and gentler, but no! They're both terrible nags!

I will refrain from explaining the dark, terrifying premise they recently handed me while I respond to your kind comments.

Amy, you said:

Lois is uncomfortable when he asks her to spend the night, but obviously she'll be comfortable marrying him? Umm... I think this may not turn out well for Lex.
Very perceptive. I try to let me readers deduce what's going on in my characters' minds using their actions as much as I can. We'll read Lois' thoughts on this subject in the next chapter.

And thanks for your comment about Lex being sympathetic. It's really hard to overcome the valid preconceptions most readers have about him. I guess I was at least partially successful.

Morgana, thanks for the comments on the relationship between Lois and Lex. I promise, things will be resolved very soon. And we'll see Jonathan's thoughts on Clark's relationship with Rebecca soon too, and we'll find out what he has - or hasn't said - and why.

Arianna will be in the chapter following the next one.

Female Hawk asked a question in a feedback thread earlier, and I never answered it, so I'll do it now. In the U.S., most parents try to contribute to their children's college education, but some cannot. But there are a number of inexpensive alternatives to a budget-busting college, like government financial help (not all qualify), private funds, scholastic and athletic and professional scholarships, work programs (which is why Lucy was angling for the bookstore job), and just plain persistence over a number of years. Helping one's children financially at school isn't a requirement by any means, but most make some effort to help.

Okay! Next chapter up very soon!

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing