Allow me to respond to these most excellent feedbacks, in no particular order.

John, you're right about Clark and Lois fighting their mutual attraction, but they're both doing it for pretty noble reasons. Neither one can see the other's affection, except as close friendship, and both are trying to keep from messing up the other's life.

And we'll see how Jonathan feels about Lois getting together with Clark. Just not soon.

Ken, you're right about Clark and his priorities. Just remember that there's some unnecessary guilt in here too. He feels responsible for Rebecca's condition, so he's trying to "fix" it the best way he knows how.

Frame, you're right that they both have doubts. They're doubts aren't identical, but they are there. We'll see what happens to those pesky things before too long.

Amy, if Clark were to ask Rebecca to marry him, do you really think she'd say "No" at this point? Of course, that's assuming that he plans to ask her. We'll see. (I write that a lot, don't I?)

Artemis, thanks for reading! I hadn't made the connection between Bob and Data before, at least not consciously, but you're right, they are similar. The difference is that Data is programmed as a general-purpose artificial intelligence, while Bob is aimed specifically at Clark, although he's flexible enough to encompass others in his interactions.

And Bob's good with money, too.

Morgana, you make a good point. If he has to ask Bob, he probably shouldn't marry Rebecca. Of course, he did get an answer from Bob, just not the one he wanted or expected. And yes, there's some emotional pain coming soon - as well as some physical pain. And that's all I'm telling you.

Next chapter up very soon!

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing