She looked around for Clark, but apparently she’d arrived at work before him on this day when she needed a listening ear. So she transferred some of her fury to him, just because she could.
Wait, why is Clark not being there so detrimental? Can't she just talk to him telepathically?

How dare he not be available when she needed someone at whom she could vent!
Or does telpathic venting not work?

Lois didn’t know if Cat meant that she was sorry that Lois was in a bad mood or if she was sorry she’d asked the question.
Cat: I take both as the right answer.

“Good.” Lois pulled a chair close to Cat’s desk and spoke in low tones. “My parents and my sister are flying into the city tonight.”
shock run for the hills. Oh, hopefully she can hide her Superness from them.

Cat waited for the next sentence, but Lois said nothing else. “Your parents and your sister are coming to visit you?”

Lois lifted her hands to the heavens for a moment. “Yes!”

Cat frowned. “And – you see this as a bad thing?”
Cat clearly is not a very good spy for Dr. Carlin if she does not know Lois does not like her family.

“Just your normal, screwed-up, dysfunctional nuclear family unit, every day getting one day closer to a critical mass meltdown.”
Arn't Lois' parents divorced? So that would count as the family unit already melted down. Or is this one of those stories where Lois' parents are still married. There have been a few of them, including one where M&J are Lois' parents, and S&E are Clark's parents, but even in that one S&E were married, although they had been through some very rough times in the past. Since we have not yet met S&E in this story, I don;t really remember the details.

“Yes, Ms. Grant?”
Is this the first call in we have seen since St. John was eliminated?

“Yes. Sorry I don’t have more, but I wanted to let you know as soon as I could.”
Is Cat doing the call incessantly and annoy your handler with the hope they will lower the marker just to get rid of you technique?

Lois shook her head again. “No, really, I’ll be fine. You go see if Rebecca needs a lift home from the hospital. She’s supposed to be released this evening, isn’t she?”
Clark: Oh, right, Rebecca, almost forgot about her.

Lois nodded. “Don’t worry. I don’t take chances with airplanes and lightning.”
Good thing, we don't want a bunch more super people. The power in the wrong hands would be very dangerous.

“Just hold on, Ellen,” her husband said as he patted her hand.
I guess this is one of the S&E still married stories, like Green-eyed Monster (OK, that is about the only non-canon thing these two stories have in common, so I am not trying to say one writer plagerized the other or anything)

“Now see here, Lucy Lane! Just because you’re going to college in Metropolis doesn’t mean you can speak that way to me! Your pilot boyfriend is a bad influence on you!”
Do all Lane women like men who can fly.

Lois: I have no idea what you are talking about.

“Fine, Mom, he’s just after my body. Never mind that we’re talking about getting married next summer.
At this rate she will be married before Lois.

One piece of metal seemed to pop off the side of the engine and puncture the rear of the wing. Bird strike, she thought, or maybe just debris kicked up by the storm,
Or is it a bomb set by agents of Dr. Carlin?

Lucy looked out the window again and saw a flying person wearing what looked like a black jumpsuit under the wing where the damaged engine was now streaming a thinning plume of white smoke.
This is the test, can Lois decieve her family members.

Now that she looked closer, she could even see Ultra Woman’s figure clearly.
shock Lois is going to have her cover blown.

Her arms and shoulders weren’t huge by any means, but her excellent muscle definition showed through her suit. Her body tapered to a perfect waistline, and her hips were smooth and solid. Her calf muscles were picture perfect. Wonder if she uses a Stairmaster, thought Lucy.
Um, no. It is all the energy burned flying.

Oh, no, thought Lucy. Ultra Woman has a dimple on her rear end just like Lois does. I wonder if she hurt herself like Lois did when –
Well, I guess having people not looking at your face does not prevent them from noticing similiarities.

And then the woman flying under the plane lifted her face and appeared to scan along the passenger compartment, and when her eyes found Lucy’s, she stopped for a moment and almost seemed to relax. Then Ultra Woman’s gaze continued along the side of the plane and she nodded to herself.
Yep, Lois needs to take Hiding your secret 101. Of course in canon the way Clark avoided this problem was by having met Lois in his first action as Superman, so his recognizing her later on was never suspect. Even finding her desk in the newsroom could be a result of his Supervision used to see her name plate on the desk.

Those were Lois’ eyes behind that mask.
Glasses work better. The key to glasses is not what they hide per se, but people all think "Superman does not need glasses, thus CK is obviously not Super, since he needs them".

There was no way Lois was flying under the wing and helping them land. It wasn’t possible.
Well, I guess this is always the key. Lucy knows Lois is not Super, so she has the reject what she sees.

Ultra Woman – Lois – even blew on the tires and got them spinning forward to reduce the shock to that side of the airframe.
Well, I guess in this case seeing is making Lucy believe.

She wondered if Superman was available and if Lois would be willing to set her up with him. She’d never have to pay airfare again.
So much for her planned wedding to Allen.

John Pack Lambert