John: One FDK leads to 2 FDK Responses. Me, and my smilies addiction.
Well, it is just too unbeliebable to accept.
Let’s hope so.
Jimmy:Well you probably messed up on your first try.
PERRY: <Gibbs slap on the back of Jimmy’s head>
Has Perry lost his mind?
Well, Jimmy did say ‘someone new’.
She needs to search her memories more deeply.
That’s the problem. They aren’t accessable memories.
Well it is.
Lois:Why would my boyfreind by an infant.
Reader:Time travel.
Lois:Get out.
Clark:See, she is not going to believe me.
Reader:Your dead.
Clark:No, just the right Clark, I am the wrong Clark.
Lois:You can say that again.
CLARK: dizzy No, I don’t think.

Do most of the tombstones only have one date, or do they generally have 2. If the latter, why is she not more curious about this fact?
Depends. Some (old ones) have just the date died and/or just a name. Then came name, year born, and year died. Modern day, I believe, it’s tradition to have name, full date born, full date died, description (beloved mother, son, etc) and/or message (lived well, died hard). Babies who are still born or die in childbirth would only have one date on a tombstone I would think.

<hyper> she is remembering.
Kind of. Sort of. Not really. It’s more of an image, a feeling, than an actual full memory.

How could she have memories of before she was born? Too bad she was not around to see Herb show up to visit Clark. Of course, that might not have helped at all.
No, I don’t think that would help matters.
LOIS: [Linked Image] So, basically, what you’re saying, Clark, that in a previous version of this life, there was another Clark, my right Clark, who you aren’t, whom I loved, with whom I traveled back in time with the dead sci-fi writer H.G. Wells, but that Clark didn’t survive the journey and is now buried in the Kent family graveyard? Uh-huh. How hard did you hit your head the other night?
Lois trust Clark to help you.
Lois:He lied to me about eveytrhing how can I trust him.
Reader:Most things he tells the truth about.
Lois:Yeah right.
CLARK: I can’t win without losing, can I?

Well, I am still torn by if it is better for Clark not to see her soon, or if she really needs to see him soon. She needs Clark to confort her, even if she is not about to listen to him.

She will go through a lot of that before she moves past it. Hopefully Clark will come clean the next time they can have a good talk, but even if he does, I am not sure she will believe him.
CLARK: I’m going to guess “not”.
LOIS: Why, lookie there, Chuck, you CAN be right.
Evil Writer: [Linked Image]

It is not like Kent is that uncommon of a last name. It could just be a coincidence that there was another Clark Kent. Maybe he really is from somewhere else and made up the Smallville story because he knew there had once been a Clark Kent there.
Hmmmm. Another reader hacking into my harddrive to read ahead. Need to get new security software.

OK, I can see why Lois does not believe this, but if he is prettending to be the dead son of the Kents, why does he hang out in the one place his deception could be seen through?
LOIS: Exactly!

Well, at least she understands Clark's motivation. She does not understand his methods though.
She’s trying to figure out his motivation. Love is the only reason he’s given her, but…
LOIS: But Clark’s a liar. Maybe he’s some psycho out to harvest my brain.
Maybe the answer is both, both Clark Sr. and Clark Jr are coming to her mind. Hmm, except I am not sure how that works since there has not been a Clark Jr. Except we already shattered time, and reverted time, so who knows.
So far, this Lois has only lived through “Noah” or shortly thereafter (that we know about), so I’m guessing she wouldn’t remember a “Clark Jr.”. But SHE doesn’t know that.
To give him the same name as his father of course.
LOIS: But… the real Clark Kent is dead.
CLARK: Hello? What am I chopped liver?
LOIS: As soon as I get my hands on you… yes.
CLARK: eek
Ah, Lois, you are not alone. I am sure if you confront 'Chuck' he will explain it. Maybe he is posing as Clark Kent to try to catch whoever murdered Clark. Hmm, OK, that won't work becuase his murderer does not exist. Hmm, maybe it is a good thing Clark is not here yet. I was hoping he would find Lois at the cemetary, but I guess no such luck.
Nope, I think that’s Ken’s story.
So much for not turning on Clark until he had a chance to explain himself.
She’s not feeling very forgiving at the moment.
I guess though finding the grave has caused Lois to have no more desire to protect Clark. Hmm, will he have to tell Perry who he really is?
Sometimes fury leads one to be irrational.
Perry:At least you know he likes you.
Lois:No, I know he is a liar.
LOIS: How about this? If he wants to be Jerome Lane, he’s more than welcome to that name. I’ll be Lois Kent. He can take my family and I’ll take Martha and Jonathan. That’s a fair trade, right?
CLARK: <clears throat> I know of a better way for you to become Lois Kent.
LOIS: Not in this lifetime.
HERB: Actually…
That is not what he really said. He was really trying to avoid explaining the connection at all, but I guess he failed.
Lois believed she was reading between the lines, unfortunately she read wrong.
Or recognize him at all. This should present a bigger problem to Lois than it is.
Thomas and the Kents know him.
No, not really. Lois is ascribing the motive, he tried to avoid explaining it. Probably because he would be hard pressed to explain it.
LOIS: But he didn’t deny it!
CLARK: Nor did I affirm it.
LOIS: Men!
Too bad they did not meet the Sherrif. If they had and he had not recognized Clark at all Lois would see things as even stranger.
He said he knew Max Harris, but that wouldn’t necessarily mean that Max Harris knew him. We know about well known people in our community without them knowing us.
Maybe they moved away from Smallville just before they died. Has he ever said that they died in Smallville.
Possbily. Nope, he never said.
Well, at least Perry still trusts Clark.
PERRY: Well, lookie there, it’s double box of chocolate time of the month.
LOIS: mad
I see no reason why he would lie about that. The really tough thing is that the most difficult truths for Clark to tell are all rejected as lies by Lois. This is really tearing me up.
She’s venting, trying to find answers, looking at all the possible scenarios.
Lois calm down and be rational. Not going to happen.
Being angry can only last so long.
At least someone is thinking straight.
PERRY: One of the perks of my job.
Lois seems to be able to wipe eveything under the rug as jealousy. If Luthor was the good man she thinks he is, this should make no sense at all.
LOIS: I didn’t say it was acceptable. The super rich have a different definition of proper conduct. I’ve heard of friends whose father’s did background checks on their boyfriends without their knowledge. I lump this under that irrational, inappropriate, but well-meaning conduct.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.