Oboy! I come back from work and there are more comments! What a great way to encourage my creative juices to keep flowing.
Now regarding Airport:
This story has undergone massive changes since writing this particular draft several months ago. It won’t be ready for the boards for at least another three or four months. RL is really gone into overdrive since coming back from the Rockies. Something about work deadlines…
Anyhow let me answer a few of your comments.

One question - you didn't indicate how many posts there will be to this story. From this start it looks like it could be of epic proportions.
Epic proportions...maybe. The outline calls for one Prologue, five parts and an epilogue...

Deadly Chakram:
Wouldn't the Planet be on the hook?
Nope Lois begged Perry for the chance to tackle this story which will be seen in the new version. She offered to pay for her ticket if she didn't deliver the goods! Those pesky quote marks! Don't worry that and other grammar errors are being corrected.

Why would Tempus bring canon Lois to this dimension now that the Lois of this dimension is still alive? According to Tempus in "Tempus Anyone?" he brought Lois to alt-dimension to give Clark a reason to become Superman, because without a danger prone Lois to consistantly save, Clark has no reason to become Superman.
In this story I'm breaking a lot of the rules! Canon Lois will make an appearance. That's my story and I'm sticking to it!

Funny to think that just something as simple as Alt-Lois missing her flight into the Congo would put everything back together again
Thanks Mouse! Its the first of many rules broken.

By the way, who says a Lois and Clark story has only one villian?

Ultra Woman:
Major differences in this universe. Cat is <gasp!> "a bookish woman" and Luthor's marriage is not secret.
Yup. More rules broken. And that's just the beginning... wave

Thank you one and all for reading!


A writer's job is to think of new plots and create characters who stay with you long after the final page has been read. If that mission is accomplished than we have done what we set out to do, which is to entertain and hopefully educate.