Okay, I'm convinced that Clark is paranoid. What isn't clear yet is whether this is all in his head or if he's the only one who perceives a real threat. Right now, it could go either way.

A third possibility is that someone he knows is doing this to him deliberately, perhaps with no malice intended. If that's true, though, that person is going to see just what it would mean to Metropolis to have a mentally unbalanced superhero. Because it's possible to gaslight someone into behaving as if he or she really is suffering from mental illness.

By the by, this is also a great way to show that anyone - and I mean anyone - can be stricken with a mental disability. And paranoia is one of many mental states which reinforces itself as time goes by. Have we ever seen Clark not trust Bill Henderson without reason before?

Still very creepy. The insights into Clark's thinking are chilling. He knows this is unreasonable, but he can't convince himself that what he's experiencing isn't a conspiracy of some kind, so every little thing that happens cycles back on itself and feeds the "beast" in his mind.

One gripe - these chapters are just too short! It makes me want to read more! Wait - could this be a plot against the readers to make them want more? Hmmm --

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing