Originally posted by VirginiaR:
Poor Clark getting all paranoid. I'm surprised that his over-protective behavior doesn't seem familiar with Lois, though. I mean, isn't he always like that?
Familiar, yes. Over-the-top, demandingly protective, so as to storm into their boss' office? Not as much.

Does Jimmy know about the hiatus on loving, or was he just assuming he knew what Clark was thinking? (And he'd be right.) And did Jimmy's laugh seem excessively evil to anyone else? Maybe Clark is going crazy.
Yeah, Jimmy knows. Last chapter he overheard Clark telling Lois about it, then spewed coffee all over Clark... Safe to say he knows. wink
What happened to those photos? Is someone setting up a surprise party for Clark? Is that why he shouldn't trust his friends? Or was this warning about Dr. Klein (still leaving that direction)?
Photos aren't really important at this point. Just in there to add a little bit to Clark's confusion. As for the rest... [Linked Image]

Once again, got me on the edge of my seat with more questions than answers. I don't mind if you post every Tues AND Wed. help
Tuesday AND Wednesday?! goofy Kidding. No, just tuesdays, though I may be posting early this week due to the terror known as my younger brother's teenage friends staying with us starting TUESDAY! eek THE HORROR!!!!!

Thanks for popping in!

Nothing spoils a good story like the arrival of an eye witness.
--Mark Twain