Originally posted by Terry Leatherwood:
The phone call combined with Clark seeing something at the end of the previous chapter makes me think that maybe - just maybe - whatever Bernie is doing with the green K is playing games with Clark's brain. If his mind is slowly becoming unhinged, maybe what he heard on the phone isn't what was actually said. Maybe it was a wrong number and his mind is bending out of shape.

And maybe someone is using this opportunity to gaslight him. Maybe Tempus, maybe another newly revealed Luthor offspring, maybe Luthor himself - yet again - and maybe, just maybe, someone is doing this to Clark without knowing anything about Superman. Maybe someone is trying to warn him about Intergang coming after him and the rest is just coincidence.

But I've seen too many episodes of NCIS. I don't believe in coincidences any more. No one can defend against an unseen and unrevealed opponent without appearing to be irrational. Ooo - maybe that's the madness to be revealed, that everyone thinks Clark is going nuts when he's really being stalked.

Chilling tale so far, Mouse. Keep them coming!
Thanks, Terry! Glad you're enjoying it so far.

Hmm. Very interesting theories you've got going there... evil Who's to say what's a coincidence and what's not and what's real and what's imagined... I'll never tell. Not till the next few chapters at least. devil

Nothing spoils a good story like the arrival of an eye witness.
--Mark Twain