OK, playgroup's over and so is lunch, so now I get a few minutes to respond to your generous comments. smile

Maria said:
He is delaying to tell Lois the truth.
Oh, wow, and with the steaming mad face, too! Yes, you're right, he is ... but that's not totally his fault. He keeps trying, really he does! She just has other ideas. smile

As Ursie says:
If she keeps avoiding to talk about Superman whenever Clark brings up the subject I wonder if he'll ever find the courage to come right out and just tell her!
She's sure making it hard, isn't she!

When they were in bed together, did he keep his glasses on, all the time? Wouldn't she recognize Superman, so up close and personal?
Hmm, good question. My intent was that he didn't take his glasses off until the lights were turned out -- remember, she says they cuddled and talked late into the night in the dark. She might be able to see him, a little, as her eyes adjusted, but not enough to really associate him with Superman, especially if his hair is mussed, etc. And the reason it wasn't mentioned specifically about him taking them off is because we were in Lois's POV for this scene and she didn't find it odd that he wouldn't take them off until they were all ready for bed, so it's not anything she'd dwell on. Does that work for you?

This is sooooo good! We don't need no stinkin' A plot!
LOL, Jen! Glad to hear it. laugh And if it's lack of a-plot you like, hopefully you'll enjoy the rest of the story since there ain't one anywhere to be seen in this one. goofy

Thanks everyone! I'm glad you're reading and I appreciate the comments very much. smile
