Wendy, what a great story. I'm behind on my feedback, as you know, which is rather embarrassing for me to announce on a story where you are thanking those who give feedback...

I really like your emphasis that Clark would feel particularly honored to be complimented for his news articles, since that is a skill he had to work on, as opposed to something that he was born with.

The mentions of all the feedback-givers were great. Of course Tank's appearance was particularly memorable (although I'm not sure what he meant in his feedback when I was still a writer - does he think he's retired again?). And you worked in Lois' shoulder-length hair very nicely too. smile Poor Tank...

And then I came to this...
And then there’s KathyM - she’s from California too, and she writes these terrifically long and thoughtful letters of feedback.
Wow. blush Yep, that's me, why use 2 words when 50 will do just as well? smile1

Thanks, Wendy. It is totally my pleasure to offer whatever thoughts and words of praise that I can to so many of you wonderful authors whose stories provide me with so many hours of enjoyable reading time. And as Karen said at the top of the thread,
feedback is a labour of love for us, too. You keep writing, we'll keep responding!

Kathy goofy

"Our thoughts form the universe. They always matter." - Babylon 5