Laura I don't like unhappy endings. For me, the gist of the story is how to get them out of a mess. It seems we agree, Laura. smile


Hmmm, somehow, I thought she would have gone, if for no other reason than to be there for Clark.
Agree that Clark would have loved to have Lois there with him, but how might it have looked to Mayson's family? In reality, Clark has chosen Lois over Mayson. I wanted him to know that they didn't hold him responsible for what happened, but he didn't know that before going to the funeral.

Elizabeth Before 'testing' Clark, Lois had only intuition as her basis for what she believed. She wanted to know for sure.

(And I've often thought how difficult it must be for Clark to remember what Superman knows and Clark doesn't and vice versa.)

Sydney I needed Mrs McCreadie to be nosy, but I still wanted her to be likeable. I figured that, as a cop's wife in a small town, she would have been very involved (in a nice way) in everyone's lives. When her husband died and she moved to Metropolis, she continued her interest in her neighbourhood.


Or is it possible that Clark has her locked up in his apartment?
Now *that* would be a whole new story!

Of course, now the inevitable question is where will you take us next?
It won't be the US!! I'm working on two stories - my (late blush ) summer ficathon story and something else that has Goo quite excited. Neither are set in LnC's home country.


WAFFy way to conclude an otherwise WHAMmy fic
Nice way to put it!

Kate You're read AR *ten* times?!

As mentioned above, I am working on something that has Goo a bit jump . I can't give any predictions as to when it might hit the boards. I have to get the summer ficathon story written first.

Tank I've read so few of the stories on the Archive that I always hope no one will say 'hey, this is just like ...', so it's nice to be told my plot was original.

Sorry about the lack of haircut. I gave Lana a haircut, but I'm guessing that doesn't suffice!


Henderson confused by Lois' blather? Do not bet your life on it. He was pounding a beat, long before Ms. Lane started writing for the Planet. The man can smell a cover-up a mile off.
Very true, but Lois has a couple of super-powers of her own - blathering is one of them!!

Thanks again to everyone who endured the irregular posts and kept going to the end of the story. I always love hearing your thoughts.
