“Great,” she grumbled, lifting her left hand to try to brush it away. As soon as her hand touched her bicep, a dull pain radiated throughout her arm. “Ow!” she yelped, more from surprise than anything and probably louder than she should have. She wondered why her arm stung from Menken’s blood.
That’s because it’s your blood!! frown

She spun around and focused her intense gaze on Lex. “You shot me?”
Just try to talk your way out of this one, Lex.

“I wasn’t in any danger until you shot me!” Lois repeated.

“Because you know you can’t leave Menken under the watchful eyes of John Wayne over there,” Lois said
Yes, he might not be alive when you get back

She had been shot and Superman had landed next to her not five seconds later. Those were five seconds she was sure he would never let go of. Five seconds he would review in that super memory of his, over and over, torturing himself with them, letting them keep him from sleep.

At one point, she had thought Lex had been more concerned that he wouldn’t get blamed for shooting her than he was for actually shooting her. She shook her head. No, that couldn’t be right. He was probably just in shock. He couldn’t really be that cold, could he?
Yep. He could be that cold

Of course, if she stopped dating him now she would seem petty for blaming him for shooting her. Ugh. Well, he did shoot her.
That’s a valid reason, I could think of worse.

Well, he had finally made Lois want to have nothing to do with Superman. It only took her being shot and him being late by three seconds.
That’s not what she meant xD

Yes, the ocean was looking more and more tempting.
Drop ‘em both. Who would really miss them?

“It was an accident,” Luthor reiterated, this time to the policeman. “I was aiming my gun at Max Menken and she… Ms. Lane turned and knocked the gun out of his hand. My gun discharged accidentally...”
Sure it did…

“Really? I thought a train took off my arm,” she teased. How could he not love her? Cracking jokes through her tears.

“A bullet train?” he suggested, and then bit his tongue. That had been in poor taste.

Lois groaned. He had to agree; his joke had been lame.

“Don’t beat yourself up, Clark,” she scolded. “Even Superman arrived too late.”
Not helping your case, Lois.

He could hear Tommy Garrison’s magnified voice echoing through the air as the boxer continued to call to him. “Superman! Suuuuuppp-eeeer-man!” Garrison scoffed. “He’s not a super man, he’s a super chicken. Bawk, bawk, bawk…” the man squawked.
Give it up already, he’s not coming!

It was nice to have someone around who would do anything for her. Frankly, at this moment, she felt like being pampered, loved, and held. Superman couldn’t do that, not in public anyway. Lois knew that was a job for Clark Kent.

A wistful smile graced his lips. “Then the next best woman for me.”

“What happened to number one?” Lois asked.

He shrugged. “She ran off and married some other guy.”

“B*tch,” she said, tightening her hand in his.

“Distract me,” Lois whispered, trying to push her anger away. She could feel his warm breath on her cheek, and if he kissed her at this moment, she wouldn’t have the power to resist.

Clark moved so that his cheek brushed against hers. She could feel his lips moving across her face. “Any ideas?”

She glanced down at her right arm in a sling. “I beg to differ there, Chuck. Right now, I’d say I
type about one word an hour. You type, what? Two-hundred words a minute? Anyway, hadn’t we established that I’m never wrong?”

Clark smiled that smile she loved; the one where he thought she had complimented him, even when she hadn’t. “When did ‘never being wrong’ morph into I have to give you whatever you want?”

Oh, he better not even try that. Lois swallowed. “When I got shot.”
She nodded, allowing him his space. “Come back to me.”

A smile brushed his lips and his eyes met hers. “Always.” It wasn’t just a word, it was a promise.

A happier ending than the last chapter! wink