Hi Vicki,

Thanks for the FDK.

There are actually eight children. The reason she is so slim and trim and can wear a bikini can be attributed to the fact that her physiology has been modified by exposure to Clark's Kryptonian aura and she in now more than half Kryptonian herself. Also, since her rate of aging has slowed, physically she is only about thirty years of age, Earth years that is. Her rate of aging matches Kal-El's. That is all explained in my Matchmaker set. If you will notice I have given this a volume number so thay you will know just where it falls within that canon.

Links to the series both g-fic and n-fic can be found in the TOC section. Just look for Matchmaker in thé series title.

Herb replied, “My boy, I never say … impossible.” "Lois and Clarks"

My stories can be found here
