Chapter 34- Revenge
Uh-oh. Well, Michael will be happy. laugh (Actually we all knew this was coming from the earlier reference of Lex and Miranda supplying the guns in the Congo).

Should I bring Pete with me?”

Lois replied, “Sure, he can give an opinion on how effective the disguise is. We’ll be leaving in a few minutes.”
Good thing Pete isn't busy working at his new job or anything.

The picture I was able to obtain from DMV wasn’t really usable,
Why wasn't the picture usable?

Are we dealing with incompetents?
Mrs. Cox? Um... yes?

Send in Mrs. Cox on your way out.
Oh, right, she's back. So, let's change the above yes? to a Yes!

“Mrs. Cox, please contact Mitzie and have her send a few of the girls over to act as hostesses for the meeting I’m panning with the members of the Senate and House sub-committees. It would be nice if she would have the special room ready if any of the esteemed members of government would like to accompany one of the girls back to her establishment.
You mean the room with all the surveillance for blackmail?

Tell her to make sure that the girls are dressed appropriately.”
Do they usually already come unwrapped?

“That would be my cut from the last arms shipment.”

“Well, you see Miranda, we ran into some unexpected complications. The shipment was compromised.”

“Compromised? Does that mean that we didn’t get paid? What happened?”
It may have been compromised, but with Lois shot it went through okay. Is Lex getting greedy? Not good, Lex.

“Then where’s my money? I need those funds to finance my research.”

“There were additional expenses …” Lex stood up and stepped around his desk. Once in front of it he leaned back against it.
You hiring extra guys without Miranda's say-so to find your mysterious couple, doesn't count as extra expenses from Miranda's share. She has every right to be mad.

I’d be willing to forgive my share if you’d invite me to come as your date.
Miranda, you're exchanging money for services. They have a name for that. <<cough>> whore <<cough>>

Shaking his head Lex replied, “Miranda, Miranda, you know that there is no ‘we’, not anymore. That’s ancient history.”

Dropping her hands to her sides she retorted in an angry tone, “In other words there’s no us *and* no money.”
Lex, you are being a stupid, stupid man if you think she'll take that deal.

Lex turned around to pick up a cigar from his humidor. When he turned back around Miranda sprayed him in the face with a liquid from a small atomizer she had carried in her pocket.
Too bad the cigar wasn't lit or she could have caught him on fire with that move.

“Why didn’t it work? This compound should have had him groveling at my feet begging me to love him and make love to him. I wonder if it has a delayed response in the human species. It sure worked on *this* rat. Why didn’t it work on *that* rat in LexTower?”
Unlike that kind of rat, Lex doesn't mount the same woman twice.

She was dressed in a floor length sapphire blue hip hugging skirt which was slit up the left leg to mid thigh. Her hair had been swept up in a very elegant do. She wore a halter style top of gold brocade with a diaphanous over blouse of light blue. Her slippers were of the ballerina style also in gold brocade matching the top in style. She also wore a veil. It was made of the same diaphanous material as the over blouse and covered her face from ear to ear, crossing her nose just below her eyes and fell to just below her chin the effect was to reveal and yet still conceal her features. Her eyes were heavily made up and gave the appearance of having a slight slant as a result.
No, but they might confuse her for the harem dancers they hired for the party.

He had been proposing to add his support to the space effort and EPRAD. His concern over the attempted sabotage of the Prometheus shuttle had caused him to come forth and offer his assistance.
So, he wouldn't look guilty?

Luthor excused himself from his party and made a beeline toward Lois. He couldn’t take his eyes off of her as he continued the descent on auto-pilot. He felt he had to meet her. He had to possess her. She meant everything to him. He couldn’t live without her.

She proffered her hand which he took and performed a deep bow over it as he said this. He kissed her hand and started kissing up her arm until she pulled it away.
Did Miranda 100% proof him? Because he's acting more out of character than he did on PML?

Please allow me to come with you and I can show you *all* of the amenities that are available.
Really? The Lexor has "sex with the owner" as an amenity? clap

But wait, weren't the Newtritch sister going to zap Lex with the Red K laser. What if they hit Clark instead? What if Clark's powers are switched to Lex and Lex is obsessed with Lois? shock shock Why do I have this strange feeling someone is about to die? What was this about no cliff-hangers? [Linked Image] This was as far as I got at the airport.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.