Ken: I may call it a "vacation", but it technically isn't. Because my children are still a 24/7/365 job I'll have for the next 14+ years, then it will be cut down to part-time (I'm hoping, except for the worrying which I'm guessing is with me for life). I have yet to spend a night away from them (I don't count hospital stays - because anyone will tell you THAT isn't a vacation) in over 7 years. wink So, I really DO need a vacation. I love them I do, but there may be a reason that my characters always end up in therapy. laugh

You never told us that Alt Clark had changed his hairdo. Unless I didn't pay close enough attention, I could have sworn that he wore it the same was canon Clark did.
He always wore his hair differently, except for that one time when he went into the Daily Planet during "Lois & Clarks" when he was impersonating Lois' husband. It's most obvious when his first arrives and when he leaves the townhouse at the end of the episode. I know I never noted it [Linked Image]. Thanks for reminding me to go back and make mention of his hairstyle (although unless he wears it long or shaves it off, most of us don't mention Clark's hair.) More on Lois' hair later. wink

Ugh, Lex had to rear his ugly head. I know, I know, he's in Matchmaker too. I had to have a villain and who better to hate than Lex.
You can't have S1 without Lex. I give him different motivation to do the things he does. thumbsup Have a good time!

I can't tell you how glad I am that Alt-Clark didn't cave and settle for a relationship with Lois with him as Superman. With his insecurity, that was a viable option. But you also showed us that he was all too aware of the problems Lois might have if she were labeled as Superman's girlfriend.
No, I've done that in another story. I needed to give him a new plot to trip over. And, yes, he learned this lesson two seasons earlier than canon Clark did.

I keep thinking she might figure out Clark = Superman sooner, since this Clark lets more stuff slip.
You think that Lois will figure it out before the Summer of 1995?! I hope so too. wave We'll miss you!

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.