Clark looked at what his friend was referring to. "Fanfiction?" he asked, voicing the question to no one in particular.

Jimmy nodded. "Stories based on beloved characters in television, movies, books, games, what have you," the photographer explained. When everyone gave him a strange look, he cleared his throat. "I, uh, might have read some Star Wars fanfics before."

"But...that doesn't make any sense," Lois said, shaking her head. "We're not fictional characters in a story. We're flesh and blood people. And yet...there's stories apparently written about us."
Well, there is a concept of fanfiction called "Real Person Fic" or RPF. I don't tend to read those though as they always feel a little stalkerish to me.

Lois shuddered. "Creepy," she said. Her eyes darted quickly over the screen before her. "Although, I do have to agree with the assessment he gives my neck. It is rather nice." She smirked at Clark.

"And it's all mine," he said possessively.

Lois whacked him playfully on the arm and snickered. Clark growled lowly and kissed the neck in question. Lois sighed, momentarily in heaven. If it wasn't for this fanfiction thing, she'd insist on being whisked away to their home to take advantage of Clark's nuzzling in private.
hehehe. Naughty, naughty Clark.

"Because it's so ridiculous, the way a stupid pair of glasses and some lame excuses so thoroughly throw people off and hide the fact that you moonlight in tights."

"They aren't really tights, you know," Clark countered. "Just Spandex pants."

"Actually, it's more of a unitard, isn't it?" Lois smirked.
Looks like Lois had the last word there.

"And here's one where you had a baby with another woman, before Lois," Jimmy said.

"Clark..." Lois said, mock warning in her voice.

"Lois, honey, you know I'd never do that."

"I know. It's just fun to watch you squirm a little sometimes." Lois flashed him a wide grin.

Clark rolled his eyes.
Let me guess... a Mary Sue?

"Well, this one has you getting pretty amorous after some red Kryptonite," Cat helpfully pointed out. "Too bad you went after Lois in it. Why is it always her?"
Because she's his soulmate of course. rotflol rotflol rotflol devil

"Of course they do," Jimmy said, shrugging. "That's what makes it appealing for some of these writers. The element of 'what if?'...know what I mean?" Everyone turned to openly stare at him. "Okay, I might have written some fanfiction in my time," he admitted with a sheepish smile. "Never the slash stuff mind you."
Of course that doesn't really surprise me.

Clark looked at his monitor and typed in the address Cat had mentioned earlier, pulling it from memory. He hoped nfic stood for non-fiction. However, as he scanned a new story, it became quite obvious that was not the case. It was nothing short of very graphic, very adult material. He quickly backpedaled out of that story.
I love how Clark's Smallville sensibilities came to the fore here. Of course he'd be the kind of guy that wouldn't go for it. Of course, that's one of the reasons we all love him.

"Oh, Lois, here's one about you and me," Cat purred, teasing her. "I don't know whether to be flattered that someone wrote about me, or offended that they paired me with you."

"Quick, Clark, give me your garbage pail before I throw up," Lois retorted with a snort.
Ah, yes the fem-slash.

Clark chuckled. He was embarrassed, but he clicked on a new link anyway, his curiosity awakened and taking control. His eyes popped open at what he read on the screen. And yet, he couldn't stop the slow grin that unfurled on his face.

"Honey," he said, nuzzling her neck. "I never knew you were into that." His voice was a whisper in his wife's ear.
Of course, he's always been the curious sort. It's one of the reasons he and Lois make such good investigators.

"I know," Clark grumbled with a sigh. "It's just....weird. All of this." He gestured to his computer screen. "Don't people have anything better to do with their lives than make up stories about us?"
*rubs gin in thought, then shakes her head.* No, not really.

"Of course they do," Jimmy said, looking up from his screen and shrugging. "But, CK, no offense. Until you've tried it, you have no idea how addicting it gets."

"I get what it's like, to enjoy writing so much. That's why I made it my profession. But to write about other people..."
You know, I think you encapsulated how I feel about RPFs.

"You want some company?" Cat said, licking her upper lip seductively. "There's this one I found where you, Lois, and I..."

"Cat," Clark said, cutting her off firmly but politely. "I really, really don't want to know."

"Suit yourself," Cat grumbled.
*snort* I love how Cat takes these stories as he cue to try and get a little action with Clark.

Cat pouted. "I don't know. I was kind of enjoying it."

Lois rolled her eyes. "Aren't you late for your flight to Tuscany with Arthur Chow?"

Cat flashed her a winning smile. "Um...no. Not when it's a private plane, Lois."
When I first read this I was thinking, "she's trying to convince Clark to fly her Superman Express." Then on re-reading I remembered that Arthur Chow was richer than Luthor in Season 1.

Lois rolled her eyes again. "All right. I'm with Clark on this one. I'm going home."

"Boy, marriage really has changed you," Cat said, muttering under her breath.

"What was that?" Lois snapped.

"I said, marriage really has changed you," Cat repeated, louder this time.

Lois crossed her arms defensively. "Oh yeah? How's that?"

"The Lois I left behind when the Planet blew up would be eyeball deep in research already, wanting to know exactly what just happened with the internet. But this Lois...this married and in love Lois...is going home?" Cat made a terrible face, as though she'd sniffed something with a pungently disgusting odor. "It's like I don't even know you anymore!"
Well love does that to people, Cat. And don't think Lois doesn't enjoy the downtime.

I do have to wonder if Lois convinced him to make his own (private) fiction as a result. The kind they keep in the bottom back corner of a drawer. devil

CLARK: No. I'm just worried I'm a jinx.
CLARK: Yeah. Let's face it, ever since she's known me, Lois's been kidnapped, frozen, pushed off buildings, almost stabbed, poisoned, buried alive and who knows what else, and it's all because of me.
-"Contact" (You're not her jinx, you're her blessing.)