Kate Henderson is believing the evidence - which is what he would have been trained to do. That's sad, but I wanted Lois to do this alone.

Patrick Obviously, the police case is happening 'off-screen', but I don't have the knowledge or the interest to include much detail.

The police aren't going to get it right - at least, not at first. If they did, there would be no reason for Lois to step in. And I wouldn't have a story.

The Lana we saw did have blonde hair, but this one has dyed her hair darker.

Thanks for all your thoughts about the case against Clark.

Ken Good predictions!

Laura Thanks for commenting. Glad you're enjoying it.

Mouserocks Your 'mixed feelings' are exactly what I was hoping to convey.

Morgana Good questions.

Michael You use the graemlins to great effect, Michael. I always get a laugh out of your reactions.

Happy I'd forgotten about the McCreadie in TL,TW&TW.

Height can be very hard to judge accurately unless you have something to compare with. From above, that's difficult.

Amy Exactly. I changed Lana's hair colour cool


Because Lana WAS WEARING HIS JACKET! <smacks head> DUH!!!!!!

<hopes Lois gets to speak with Superman privately when he gets a moment to breathe>
There will be a Superman/Lois moment. I feel I can tell you that because I don't think it will be quite what you might think!

Thanks everyone for the comments. I enjoyed your discussion.
