Christina: hyper Thank you for the super long FDK!

Whoah, Clark. There's no need to snap at Lois.
What? Clark's not allowed to feel grumpy? clap Like the female velociraptor from Jurassic Park, she's constantly testing that fence.

Considering the seemingly bleak world he came from that's not really that surprising.
To quote alt-Clark from Lois and Clarks:

ALT-CLARK: And now she has to believe me. Lois, love is all that keeps people going sometimes. It's that strong. And you have to grab onto that strength and believe it'll get you through this. It's a lonely world without love. I know. It's how I live my life.
<<sigh>> And why we love him so.

One question, how does he know that they are soulmates? I mean, I know that the Canon one does. Did Lois tell him about it while he was in the canon dimension? Or is this something he came upon on his own. Actually, now that I think about it, I'm guessing H.G. told him.
Well, in Lois and Clarks after that line above (and their almost kiss), Alt-Clark says:

ALT-CLARK: My life is that lonely thing I talked about. But there's this weird chemistry between us I really don't understand.
Later canon Lois and Alt-Clark share this conversation...

LOIS: Look, about that 'chemistry thing' you mentioned... Just like it's easy to confuse you and Clark... I think _you_ have me confused with _her_. Your Lois. And those feelings are meant for her.

ALT-CLARK: But you see, I never met her. She was lost on an assignment in the Congo.

LOIS: I remember. I just have the feeling you two are gonna be together somehow. Like Clark and me. You're meant for each other.
They don’t say “soul mates” but the concept is discussed.

Did he get a chance to interact with Zara and find this out through her as well or did he just make that up?
Doesn't know about Zara, he's just using "Krypton" as an excuse.

lol, sure he may have a very basic appreciation for the female form (just like women have a basic appreciation for the male form) doesn't mean that they're at all likely to act on that sort of thing.
Unlike most men of Cat's acquaintance.

Of course he wouldn't want to admit that he had formerly been engaged to someone who didn't appreciate his more unique traits.
Yep, Cat's just fishing here. And, no, he doesn't want to talk to her about Lana.

LOL, love Cat's side jaunt to try and avoid referencing Lois and more adult activities. Who says Clark wants to entertain? I mean, we know he want to "entertain" Lois but does he really want to entertain other people? I think being Clark is his "private" time and unless it's friends (Jimmy, Lois, Cat and maybe even Perry) I doubt he wants a ton of other people around making nice small-talk. He has enough of that as Superman.
Um, Christina... THAT's not the type of "entertaining" that Cat's talking about. [Linked Image] But I'll agree with you that Clark isn't the "party" sort of guy.

All interesting questions Cat, and ones that would show a wealth of history but a convoluted (and potentially perjurous) if applied to the wrong Earth.
Which is why Clark will avoid answering them.

Why do I get the feeling the "spicy" part is actually going to work in his favor somewhere down the line?
Cat certainly thinks so.

Why do I get the feeling Cat wants to keep it for more than just historical significance?
Don't know. He keeps forgetting that Superman's a big deal here, that to THEM this is his first Superman suit, but he's acting all 'been there, done that' already. Cat sees the cape for what it is: the cape that Superman wore on the historical day he arrived to save the Prometheus. She's reminding him of that.

I find it interesting that he has to be taught the basics of charity. In this aspect it really is alien to him but because it came from a different dimensional culture, not because he came from a different planet.
The basics of charity he understands: to help others. The concept turning charity into a "function" or "party" or "place to buy stuff" is what's foreign to him.

*snort* I love Clark's response to her come-ons.
Yes, C&C conversations are fun to banter. laugh

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.