Inside the house, the burglar looked for anything valuable.
Come on, we all know she's a cat-burglar, so call her by her proper name. wink

Superman rolled his eyes and folded his arms across his chest impatiently. “Really? That window over there is busted, you’re carrying a bag full of –“ Superman stopped speaking to x-ray the bag for a second “—jewelry and money, and you’re wearing a disguise. That doesn’t look like robbery at all, does it?”
Duh! Superman really isn't the world's greatest detective, is he? (I'd even go so far as to call him galactically stupid just this once.)

“I’m wearing a disguise because I’m Batman!” he growled. “Catwoman’s the one who just robbed the place.”

“Nice try, buddy, but Batman’s from Gotham,” Superman said as he grabbed Batman by the arm.
Okay, let's make it offical. Intergalactically stupid.

Swiftly, Batman reached into his utility belt and pulled out a tiny lead capsule. He then opened the capsule to reveal a glowing green substance. Despite the fact that it was small in size, it still managed to cause a sharp pain to drive through Superman’s body, and he let go of Batman’s arm as he winced in pain.
Rule number one on dealing with Batman: Expect him to always come prepared. wink

Based on what he’d read, Clark learned that Batman didn’t have any powers like Superman. He was just an ordinary guy. That meant he had to use a lot of high-tech gadgets in order to safely fight crime. Some newspapers even speculated that he wore some sort of bulletproof armor over his chest to avoid getting shot to death.
Hey, Sherlock Kent, lots of *expensive* hight-tech gadgets means he must have lots of money, no?

“Kryptonite!” Lois shouted, causing a few heads to turn.
Louder, Lois, they didn't hear you in Gotham! wink

“We set up a meeting with her.” Clark pointed at the picture on the cover of the Gotham Gazette.

Duh! Don't you ever look who's responsible for what's in a newspaper, Lois? :p

“Because she takes a lot of pictures of Batman. I get the feeling she might know something about him.”

“So what?” Lois replied. “We write a lot of stories about Superman. Doesn’t mean we know any more about him than what we write.”
Oh, we're at that stage, are we? thumbsup

“She claimed I was a bully and sometimes mean to my coworkers or something like that,” Lois replied. “Can you believe it?”
Nope. Not for one minute. :p

“Then, one day, she decided to get even with me,” Lois added. “She put hot sauce in my coffee.”
Get even with her for what? Just wondering here.

“And what did you do back to her?” Clark asked, suddenly very interested in this story.

“Let’s just say that Vicki quit her job at the Daily Planet within a week,” Lois replied, a smile forming on her face
Uh-huh. Very interesting indeed.

Intriguing start. I'm so not going to miss the rest of this story. smile

The only known quantity that moves faster than
light is the office grapevine. (from Nan's fabulous Home series)