Michael, I'll try to do my best to respond to your FDK, but for some reason my monitor wipes only work on the OUTSIDE of my monitor. If my message is a bit garbled, it's because I'm lloooking through tomatoes stains to typppe. blush

She's not going to join the Hare Krishna's for an undercover assignment?
Nope, sorry, not in Book 2. Book 3, OTOH, hasn't been mapped out completely yet(with the exception of all pre-planned hairstyles, which needed Tank's prior approval before starting a story, right? Didn't I read that correctly on the FAQ page? wink )

Good point. Explains her long hair in The Pub.
Maybe it was alt-Lois! huh I doubt she'd accept either option.

She was a birthday gift. <<ducking>>

/imagines Facial Lois naked, with candles stuck to her body using wax.
GIFT, Michael, not CAKE. Ggggggiiiiiifffftttt. One that keeps on giving. <<ducks again>> Until it takes a flying leap without super powers. peep

/waits for Virginia to shove hands into pockets or pull up the hood/
Okay, jacket's back on, hood up. Do your worst. But remember, too many tomato stains makes it hard to read my monitor to write more parts for Book 2 and I'm only on Part 26.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.