Poor Clark. The man cannot get a break. He really needs to work on his self-control. wink Not thhat Lois was helping him with that, was she? The minx.

She was gorgeous!
<<mutters>> where's that 2x4? He's just noticing this, when she's practically naked?

He had been in a similar state with Colette at lunch that day but this was more so, this was Lois, *his* Lois.
He's really got to STOP comparing Lois to the twins. The fact that he can even remember the twins names, let alone how he reacted to them, when Lois is in front of him like this is not a good sign. <<from a woman's POV>> We prefer that a man cannot think of anyone else while we're parading around in our skimpest bikinis. Thank you very much.

It reminds me of what Suzanne and Colette were doing.
[Linked Image]

Is she trying to seduce me? That’s not something that Lois would do. But, if she is, I’m willing, but is she testing me? Do I make a play for her or not? No, play it straight. You’re interested but you want more than a fling
Yes. Really, you know her that well? Of course, she's testing you. Hello, XX chromozones. That's what we do. Depends on what you mean by "play". Straight? As opposed to "crooked"? Definitely.

When he knelt beside her, she handed him the bottle of lotion and then reached back and untied the strings holding her top in place.

That simple action made Charlie freeze. Just the thought that if she moved she would be exposed almost drove him over the edge.
See, no self-control.

He was about to have his hands all over her nearly naked body. All he could do was look at his hands and contemplate the possible consequences of what was about to transpire. There were so many possible outcomes his hands started to shake.
And that's why you don't think those thoughts at a time like this, Charlie.

At the very first contact she felt that familiar tingle but it was so much stronger she was startled and almost sat up. Just the thought of doing that with her top undone sent a blush to her face.
My, oh my, they are a pair of sexual frustrated people, aren't they?

Once she got used to that tingling she realized that as Charlie was applying the lotion she could almost feel the reverence in his touch. It was like with his touch he was worshiping her and it made her feel *very* special.

Thinking about how it would feel to have her hands on him, he got a silly grin on his face.
You jumped POV from Lois to Clark so quickly here, I got thumbsup Yep! That should cool Lois off. evil And help with that mild sunburn she's developing.

he moved his hands to her back and shoulders. Truth be told he had found himself responding to her arousal and if he hadn’t cooled himself off
Um... Does Charlie have an aversion to shoulders? Because I don't see him doing anything else to "cool himself off"?

She was so aroused that she almost felt like ripping his clothes off of him and ravishing him on the spot...
I love it, and, most importantly, he is *not* trying to take advantage.
Make up your mind there, Lois.

If I offer it up will he trample it underfoot? No, I’m certain that he would not. He is too honorable to do anything like that to me
Honorable? Hmmmm. Like lying to her, stalking her, refusing to tell her the truth about who he is and what he's really doing? That kind of honorable.

“Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. But, for what? Applying the lotion? It was *my* pleasure!”
And here I thought it was for the kiss.

She looked him straight in the eyes and said, “Charlie, you’re a gentleman and not one who is going to take advantage of me. I had a bet with myself that you *would* be and I’m very happy that I won.”
See, test.

Charlie got a glimpse of the title and quipped, “Romance novels?”
:rolleyes: Really? Can you shove that foot any further into your mouth, there, Clark?

“I would think that ‘adventure’ would be more up your alley.” Charlie remarked casually. As soon as he said it he knew it was a mistake. The look on her face confirmed his mistake. He tried to cover up, “I mean, you lead such an exciting life as an investigative reporter that’s more in the lines of adventure.”
Oh, wow, he can!

“No, by no means! I’m just saying that you should write about the things you know.” That last word was barely out of his mouth when he realized that he had made things much worse. “Ooops, that didn’t come out exactly the way I meant it.”

With barely controlled anger in her voice she said, “Just *how* did you mean it?”
"Um... well, Lois, I figured you were really experienced that anything you wrote would be sold as pornography, not romance.... No, no, I didn't mean that. You aren't Cat Grant. No, I haven't met her, let alone slept with her, I mean I've just heard about her, reputation and all... I mean, you must be a virgin. Nope, wrong direction. Okay, well, you must be more experience than me. I'll just be shuting up now."

This had the ring of sincerity to it and thinking about the sun bathing session she had just had and how much pleasure he had given her she decided forgive him.
Really? It just takes a little pleasure for Lois to forgive a guy? Hmmmm. That was what was missing from S1 Lois. wink Well, except when Superman was around.

His vision revealed Lois wearing a brown bikini doing Tai Chi Chuan as the sun rose over the river. Slapping his hands over his eyes like a small boy, he shut down his eyesight. The last image in his brain was Lois performing the twenty-four move simplified Beijing ‘new style’. The slow motion martial arts moves being practiced while she wore the bikini were extremely enticing and tantalizing.
Yes, it probably wasn't the best angle to be watching her from.

Lois decided that turnabout was fair play and the next time, since she knew that he would be laying there beside her for a while she insisted on applying lotion to his exposed arms and face before he worked on her back.
What? He didn't take off his shirt?! That's just cruel.

“I think five hundred would be acceptable. I will guarantee two weeks and he can start tomorrow night.” Charlie reached into his pocket and pulled out a wad of bills. He counted out the appropriate number of franc notes and then added one more. “Here is his fee in advance for two weeks and five hundred francs for your trouble. If we are longer than two weeks we’ll pay the balance when we return.”
Gee, let's hope the brother-in-law is trustworthy.

Clark noticed Lois was wearing her wedding band. She really didn’t need to when they were alone. Hope sprung in his heart at that small gesture.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.