One thing I love about posting fanfic to the boards is how people can read the same story and have such different reactions. smile I guess that's why I revisit comments folders, even after I've posted, to read what everyone else has to say. smile

I don't have any problem with Clueless Lois 'n' Clark (tm) since the light-hearted tone of the story lets you get away with a few plot devices. smile And I loved the fact that Clark showed up on Lois's doorstep -- yes, I would have loved to see her go to work and dig for the name of his "girlfriend" but that would require several more parts and I'm ready for smoochies. smile1

But alas, I'm in the camp that wanted Clark to wipe the smug look off Martha's face ... she was just entirely too pleased with herself when Clark was clearly very upset about the whole situation. She's making a lot of assumptions that Clark is misinterpreting Lois's reactions -- it seems to me that, since she wasn't on the date, she would take Clark's word for it that Lois was offended that he would try to romance her when he supposedly was interested in someone else. I would have prefered to have her fret about her plan backfiring, then talk things through with Clark to bring him (them both) to the realization that maybe the plan worked after all.

That said, I am very much looking forward to part 10. Bring on the romance! smile1
