Whoops, I just realized that I forgot to respond to this thread. Blame real life -- I was really sick with the flu that turned into bronchitis, then it was my birthday laugh , then it was end of the semester presentations, I am moving into an apartment, then I broke my hand, and now it is finals time (by the way, I have a final exam in 12 hours that I have been procrastinating studying for all night -- haven't even started yet eek ).

Thank you, everyone who read this story and especially to everyone that has commented. This story was really emotional story for me, not because I have had this experience, but because it explored a level of psychology that, ironically, will be covered on my final exam tomorrow. Plus, the amygdala is my favorite part of the brain. Okay, seriously, I am sort of surprised that people call this "kiddie fic". It is a bit weird to me, because when I was writing this, the baby was just a mechanism to make Lois and especailly Clark use their amygdalas. I didn't even realize the baby needed a name until I was almost done writing and talking on IRC. So it is almost funny to me that people associate this story with the child. To me, she is a complete afterthought, completely unimportant. Lois could have had cancer or some other horrible disease and that would have led to the same consequence -- but I wanted the possibility of a happy ending, so I chose a baby. I guess you had to be inside my mind to see that the baby was relatively unimportant to the story in my mind.

Now to respond . . .

hits me on a couple of different levels, and this feels absolutely right on all of them.
Wow, thank you! blush I am so glad that this worked!

And lord knows I was never at my best in the first two months post-partum, with all the sleep deprivation, and I wasn't recovering from surgery!
My junior year of college, my roommate had a baby, and she certainly wasn't herself for the first three or four months post-partum -- and it was even worse for her because she had final projects and final exams plus being a virtual single parent! (by the way, this is the only experience I've ever had with children of any sort, so I base all of my information about pregnancy and babies on that experience).

I think this could be tightened up a little bit
I spent a lot of time revising this ending to make it a bit easier to follow before I sent it to the archive.

I do have to say that I missed Ellen at the end.
Interesting point! I hadn't even thought about Ellen. However, after I read your comment, I thought abuot adding in something that resolved her and Lois's relationship, but it got way too complicated. I hope it still works without Ellen.

Martha and Jonathan realize that the problem is simply the fact that they hadn’t talked to each other. There are really no other facts underlying their problem.
Yes, it is a problem that had escallated into something gigantic. I thought that Martha and Jonathan were the best people to solve teh problem because they are very astute to problems like this.

Thank you, everyone that read and commented so faithfully on this story. This story is the most special to me of all of the 30+ stories I've written, so I am glad you all enjoyed it, too. smile

Laura "The Yellow Dart" U. (Alicia U. on the archive)

"A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles." -- Christopher Reeve