Howdy! smile1
Well, let's see, it's a month that ends in Y so Sue S must be writing another adaptation of The Phoenix.
I've got a million of 'em! I think it's because that's the first episode where both of them have given up on fighting the attraction between them. There's no zigging while the other zags. There's just lots and lots of delicious unresolved sexual tension and so many ways to spin it. My only quibble with the episode is Luthor's hokey resurrection. There had to have been a better way to write that. I just don't want to waste any brain cells on it when I can think about L/C on that couch instead.

Funnily enough, I didn't actually set out to write a Phoenix-based story (I rarely do, it just turns out that way). I wanted to do something for Valentine's Day. And then I saw that Phoenix aired two days before VD and I was forced (FORCED, I tell you!) to rewatch it and see what I could glean for inspiration. It's always slightly bothered me that they completely glossed over how Lois must have felt with her sociopathic ex-fiance back from the dead. By the next week, in Top Copy, it was like someone had hit the reset button and nothing had accrued. So, you know, maybe at first you wouldn't feel anything because you were shocked. But eventually that has to sink in and give you pause to think.

For Lex? Her stupidity, yes, but for Lex?
Absolutely! Lois claims never to have cared about him. Isn't that easier than admitting that you did sorta, kinda like him enough to agree to marry him? There has to be some little corner of her heart that felt something. Plus, despite her tough exterior, Lois has a lot of empathy. She can feel sorry for him in general. It must have hurt a lot, going splat and being pieced back together. In the actual episode she told him that she felt he had "suffered enough". So she does feel sorry for him on some level.

Do they / Have they (her and Superman, they) ever really just TALKED?
Again I would say "Absolutely!". He's constantly showing up at her apartment (to dance, to check in on her, to admire her trophies, etc.) She's awestruck by Superman, but she's also relaxed enough around him that his popping up at her apartment at odd hours doesn't faze her. That says to me that they talk with enough frequency for her to refer to him more than once as "a friend". Also, most of the time after he's rescued her, he sticks around at least long enough to ask if she's okay. Since he was busy hauling Lex out of the tunnels, I'm assuming he didn't get a chance to ask her (as Superman) how she was coping with Lex's reappearance in her life.

No, but you could pretend you're two different people and let her discuss her love for the other one of you while the first one of you is in the room. And still think this won't blow up in your face someday.
To be fair to Clark, Lois brought the subject up. He tries to dance around the subject in a neutral way and tells her that she really ought to talk to Clark about it, not him. Not that it would save him in the least if she figured it out right then and there. laugh

Laura - If you thought the start was nice, you're in luck. The middle and the end are a lot more fun. smile

Sarah - I'm glad I posted before you went to bed!

DW - You haven't been reading fic? Where have you been? Welcome back!

Thanks to everyone who's commented. I'll have the next part up by tonight! sloppy

Lois: You know, I have a funny feeling that you didn't tell me your biggest secret.

Clark: Well, just to put your little mind at ease, Lois, you're right.
Ides of Metropolis