
All I want for Christmas is the next line, "Hi"... But I digress, wink

“Would it disgust you if I took advantage of some mistletoe?”

“To kiss Ralph? Yeah, I think that would disgust me.”
Hee! and Yay! I think I know where Clark is going with this one. So glad that he opted for a much more romantic setting.

In the expectant seconds as she waited for his kiss, Lois remembered how it had felt to be held by Clark. She remembered the solid comfort of his arms and chest as he had slowly rocked her on her kitchen floor. There was no one else like him, no one else who had ever made her feel that safe and cherished – not even Superman
*happy sigh* Love this and the very sweet ending. Lois definitely shouldn't wait another whole year, I suggest she start a new MLK Day tradition. laugh

Just b/c you wrote this wonderful, little Christmas gem does not mean you're off the hook for the other... sloppy