But seriously, Lois better get a grip on herself and force the conversation with Clark, because it's not nearly as much fun when they are spending entire chapters apart.
There are times when I'm seriously tempted to spoil my own story. This is one. So let me just give you a graemlin which you can interpret any way you want: laugh

If Lois thinks Clark's wishy-washy now, wait til Intergang finds the red rocks. Of course, he hit the wall in Dr. Friskin's office while on red rocks, so Clark on red K near Dan probabaly not going to end well.
On this one, I will give you a spoiler... of a sort. I have a deal with Gerry (one of my beta readers). She felt I was relying on kryptonite too much in my stories. So after I wrote Nowhere To Run, we made a deal. No kryptonite in any of my new stories. laugh If I come across a situation that requires kryptonite, I have to find another way to deal with it.

ML wave

She was in such a good mood she let all the pedestrians in the crosswalk get to safety before taking off again.
- CC Aiken, The Late Great Lois Lane