I can't believe it's almost finally over. I liked the way you used the journals to give Clark a different glimpse into what Lois endured in the alt-dimension.

Since this is practically the end of this epic, I feel I need to say more. I loved the idea of trying to explain where the magic baby came from. At the very begining, I was surprised you spent so much time in the alt-dimension. Yet you did a great job with creating the similarities and differences with her real world. I especially liked the way you developed Alt-Clark and Alt-Lois. It's difficult to work with such similar characters but you did an excellent job.

I also liked that the story didn't end with Lois' return to her world. That you took the time to deal with her adjustment and even introduced new storylines - the super baby in Smallville and Batman. Clark reading Lois' notebook in this chapter was especially emotionally satisfying.

Excellent job! party

(What's next??)
