It took me a half hour just to read this (whew!) b/c of a little turkey cooking upside-down snafu courtesy of my brother. While I was reading this he asked me if I was laughing at his mistake or my computer screen. (Okay, a little at him & a lot at this! I seriously couldn’t get this silly grin off my face!) laugh

"Well, after hours, anyway -- I still have no idea how things are going to work at work."...

"The same way things have always worked at work, Lois," Clark assured her as they exited the elevator and strolled down the empty hall. "You bark out orders, and I meekly comply."

"You're both going to high-tail it out of here, and stay gone at least until tomorrow." Their boss was clearly unhappy with this idea. "Maybe longer."

Well, at least this time, he would *not* be staying at Cat's apartment. He'd be with Lois... all of a sudden this seemed like a great idea.
Looks like someone might be going to Smallville sooner than they thought they would…nah, they might be served there. Can I make a request to send them somewhere…exotic…and far, far away….I can dream can’t I?

notworthy notworthy notworthy notworthy

More soon, please!