Michael: wave

Which would actually make Mr. Stern the exception. /ignores those unnamed Upstairs who held the Planet before Lex.
Yes, but it was funnier my way.

No. Mr. Wayne doesn’t mind his girls making a move on him.

So, Mr. Wayne. And an uncounted number of all-female employees, all vying for his attention. Sounds like a…catfight waiting to happen. No wonder they need Kevlar vests.
Has to make a day at the office more exciting somehow. It'd be tendious if one had to actually do work with paper and numbers and stuff.

Huh. Although, what’s interesting is that she was sufficiently fluent in four languages just one year out of college. She most definitely seems to be worth her money.
I've met people who know more than one language by the time they've graduated from college. Usually come from a more diverse background. And are more traveled themselves.

Can we quote this to Penny, please? /waits for her to go all T-X on him.
Were you doing a wedding march for him and Penny already?

Okay, I know you mentioned this, but since his unauthorized biographies all talk about this, wouldn’t it have also been big press back then had he been born wealthy? Or was Jimmy so completely in love with Lex, that he bought the phony stories and continued to gush about him, disregarded all counter-indicators?
You completely lost me. a) why would Lex having come from money (one doesn't have to be a well-known Kennedy / Hilton / Vanderbelt to have money) been big press? And since there were no OFFICIAL bios on him, who said his big money didn't come from overseas somewhere? B)WHEN did Jimmy ever like Lex? Hoped to be acknowledged during HiM (didn't get it). But liked? He liked that Lex saved his job in BatP, but I think that was the closest he got.

The innocent meaning would be ‘she looks too young to have a kid.’
What? You thought sticking ones foot in his mouth was a truly Kryptonian trait?

Also, supposedly, Lois Lane, and Superman. But some aren’t yet sure about the first. /points to Lex/
I was going to say...

Really, Jimmy?
Pot, kettle, black. Have you met? laugh Jimmy's still a little angry. He was always so nice and sweet on the show, I thought I'd give him a new emotion to play with.

He wasn’t old, like Lex. He acknowledged my existence.”

Oh Jimmy…
And he bought me flowers and chocolates and stuff...

“Sorry. Lois had too much chilly for lunch.”
They were on their way to lunch... so breakfast?

Still not liking Jimmy.
Well, I can't please everyone.

/looks with feigned disinterest at burning fuse/
Hhhhmmmm. Do you think this might end with an explosion of some kind, Michael?

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.