clap Marvelous, simply marvelous! I'm liking more and more how you have placed this outside perspective on the episode. Lois and Clark's conversation as picked up by Freeman is quite funny.

Quick question- about Majik. I'm driving myself crazy racking my brains but I have too many things to do before tomorrow so I don't especially want to dredge through conspiracy theories online... is Majik real? For some reason, that name is sticking out in my head as something I've heard of before in relation to the government, but the only tangible thing I can think of is the supposed codebreaker called "magic" that was used to supposedly crack the Japanese code system in the attack before Pearl Harbor. (Again, that's lumped in with the conspiracy theories. It may have existed, but not so sure about the Pearl Harbor stuff. My high school world history teacher was big into that stuff. And Star Wars. He was actually a pretty cool dude wink )

Anywhosits, really great chapter! They're getting better and better and I can't wait for more! dance

Nothing spoils a good story like the arrival of an eye witness.
--Mark Twain