“Here comes the Mrs.,” she heard him say.
Well... she *is* his work wife. Sort of. He probably should spend a bit more time with her, but yeah...

“Huge.” He shrugged and then mumbled, “Not heavy, though.”

“Actually not,” he continued, wrapping his arm around her.

“You make me laugh, Clark,” she said, relishing the embrace.

“My pleasure, Miss,” he replied, tipping his imaginary hat. They arrived at the truck.
Umm... did he let go of her again? Since one hand holds the umbrella, and the other is occupied with Lois's waist or shoulder. And letting go of Lois just to make a joke, ugh-uh...

“Oh, I know, you’re afraid you’ll shoot laser beams out of your eyes and you might burn me.” She laughed. “Your glasses are all that protect me from certain death.”
No, I've got that under control, but I'm worried about undressing you with my eyes...

Clark didn’t seem interested in walking her to her door. Maybe he didn’t like her after all. Lois raised her head off his shoulder and scooted towards the passenger door. Had she been throwing herself at someone who really wasn’t interested?
I *do* wonder why he isn't walking her home.

Lois opened the door. “Fine. Well, thanks,” she snapped.
Oh, he's smelling blood in the water and knows to steer clear of her.

Clark opened his door and started to follow. “Lois! Why are you mad at me?”

The nerve of that man!

She turned and threw her hands up into the air. “Me, mad? That’s rich, Clark. You’re the one that’s mad, not me.”

“What? I’m not mad at you.”
Yep, making lot's and lot's of sense. laugh

“You don’t know? You don’t know! How dense can one guy be?”
Well... bullets bounce right off of him, so...

“That’s not fair. You’re obviously mad at me. Now you’re doubly mad at me for not knowing why you were mad at me in the first place. Why don’t we just cut this argument in half and you tell me what’s wrong?”
Or, you could excuse yourself for a moment, and buy her flowers (red roses, preferably), a box of chocolates, and a nice lacy confection from Victoria's Secret. At least one should work to appease her.

“No! You’ve been wonderful. Very friendly.”
Even... brotherly...

Could he really not know?
Are you wearing a neon sign pointing things out? -- No? -- Well, then why do you ask such stupid questions?

Eventually, Clark sighed. “I don’t know what slight I’ve caused you, Lois, but if you don’t want to be friends anymore…” His whole demeanor fell as he reached for the door.
dance I do wonder if that was enough of a hint for him wink

He was the idiot?
Yes, he's the idiot.

Clark lifted Lois into his arms and carried her over to the couch.
Wow, that's moving fast, taking her to bed during their first kiss. eek

Clark’s happiness cup overflowed.
Umm... laugh So, did he win the pool?

Perry laughed at the younger man’s obvious discomfort. “Did you think you’d only make the local eleven o’clock news? You are unique.”
...Thank you, Cynthia, for the report of the badger vandalizing three backyards in Hamstead. And in other local news. A flying man rescued a plane today. Payroll negotiations for the park attendants of Centennial Park are at a stand still, threatening strike and untended lawns for days on end. A new public library is being considered...

Every person has a little good in them…”
Even if said person had to kill a good guy and eat him.

The store was now closed. It was his job to check to make sure all the customers had left and to lock up.
So, one sweet with x-ray vision?

He had been a dense idiot for hesitating.
/nods gravely/

Maybe. Someday. Clark’s smile grew back into a silly grin. That would be nice. Wonderful. Fantastic. He closed his eyes for a moment and imagined himself coming home to an idealized house with an idealized white picket fence. Lois greeting him at the door, her stomach round with child. Gosh, pregnancy agreed with her. It made her glow. He kissed this idealized wife, scooping her into his arms and…
He does know she doesn't cook, right?

OK. No more thinking of being that intimate with Lois until he had had a chance to disconnect the surveillance videos.

I wonder how you're going to squeeze the wrench in there now. After all, Lois all but committed herself to him. Is she just going to be all confused and scared and indecisive and torn and going to sneak behind Clark's back to get a date with Superman?


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I go by Michael on the Archives.